Our chocolate peppermint Christmas Vegan Gluten-free whoopies are the perfect twist on the traditional chocolate whoopie pies!
Only now it's vegan, gluten-free, and just flat-out addicting. We've added just enough peppermint to make you feel in the holiday spirit and if that doesn't do it, well we've also added peppermint candy inside the cream!
With only 300 calories and a whopping 20 % of your daily fiber, you can feel good about your snacking again!
If you’re wondering what makes this treat healthier than most, then let us school you on a little something we recently discovered ourselves in this research study! Consuming Fiber, protein and fats before or during your meal, or in this case Vegan Gluten-free Whoopies, is known to reduce your glucose spike. Ingredients like the ones you see below, that provide an excellent source of fiber and protein, will coat your stomach lining. In turn, this helps your body reduces the absorption of glucose up to 70%. Hence a feeling of curbed craving when you eat fiber and protein rich foods. Ultimately, this allows for a healthier metabolism, improved fertility, skin health and most importantly reduces the risk of heart disease. Check out our full whoopie line up here.