Oreo Cheesecake


Your favorite (gluten-free) cookie in a cake. Isn't she beautiful?

  • Shelf life 10 days, please refrigerate.
  • We don't write on cakes. Piping frosting has chemicals and dyes we prefer to stay away from. But! We do offer FREE birthday candles that read "Happy Birthday" and a handwritten card.


Vegan cream cheese, coconut cream, tofu, sugar, gluten-free oreos, cornstarch, lemon juice, organic coconut oil, vanilla extract, and salt.
Chocolate crust: certified gluten-free oat flour, non-dairy chocolate chips, organic cane sugar, cocoa powder, organic coconut oil, certified gluten-free potato starch, certified gluten-free tapioca starch, unsweetened non-gmo applesauce, flaxseeds, vinegar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and xanthan.
Crust: white rice flour, organic vegan butter, certified gluten-free potato starch, powdered sugar, certified gluten-free tapioca flour, xanthan, and salt.

Contains no major allergens. May contain Soy Lecithin found in chocolate.

Learn more about on-site allergens

Nutritional Facts

Shipping and Delivery

We offer NYC local delivery, pickup services, and nationwide shipping. Certain items, like cakes and pies, require next-day delivery, so regions such as the West Coast and Midwest may experience limitations.





Key features

Vegans welcome! Plant-Based/Dairy Free (no eggs, milk, or butter)

Baked with certified gluten-free ingredients in our fully gluten-free kitchen

Mass produced food is often laden with preservatives, artificial ingredients, and designed to cut costs- not here! Quality is our first priority. SENSIBLE products are made with love by humans for humans.  No robots allowed!

Crafted with care over the last 30 years and spanning two generations.

Sourcing food locally fosters economic growth within communites and reduces carbon emissions 

Baker's dozen — this one is popular, so extras are donated weekly to our local NYC homeless shelter, reducing waste and nurturing our community

Human Made

Mass produced food is often laden with preservatives, artificial ingredients, and designed to cut costs- not here! Quality is our first priority. SENSIBLE products are made with love by humans for humans. No robots allowed!

Locally Sourced 

Sourcing food locally fosters economic growth within communites and reduces carbon emissions associated with transportation, contributing to environmental sustainability while promoting consumer access to fresh, nutritious food. Local sourcing promotes biodiversity preservation, as it often involves smaller-scale, diversified farming practices that maintain ecological balance.

Chocolate Antioxidants

Research indicates that flavanols found in chocolate may enhance brain function and increase blood flow to the brain. Chocolate can also improve your mood and skin health, thanks to its ability to stimulate the release of endorphins and protect skin from oxidative damage. Chocolate is best consumed in moderation to reap the benefits while being mindful of excess sugar and calories.

Viewed with

Sugar-Free Chocolate Keto Cake


At Sensible, we turn guilty pleasures into healthy snacks with simple, fresh, sustainably sourced food. We advocate for an ingredient-conscious lifestyle that puts the health of people and the planet first. 

Learn more